Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Here We Go Again

Now that all the name calling and bitching and moaning has ceased on a post creating record breaking feedback here at DCS, we can move on to a real story.

Hurricane Rita has just been upgraded to a Category 5 hurricane, with top wind speeds of 165 mph. This information just reported on MSN, story here. The National Weather Service and NOAA have it hitting landfall in the early Saturday morning hours. (Cool link to NOAA, btw. Lots of nice maps and graphics)

We have a big problem. When I say big, I mean BIG. This hurricane is bigger than Katrina. It is more powerful than Katrina. It is headed for land, more specifically the port of Houston. The port of Houston brings in hundreds of millions of goods into the US each year. The area predicted to be devasted by Hurricane Rita also hosts all the oil refineries in the gulf coast not damaged and shut down by Hurricane Katrina. I am making a prediction now that gas prices will hit $3.50 per gallon as a national average sometime next week if this storm is as devastating as they predict.

Fortunately, people are evacuating now. Nobody is taking chances. Hopefully, the loss of life will be nowhere that of the size Hurricane Katrina. Hopefully.

It is pretty safe to say "We aren't out of the woods yet." No, clearly we are lost directly in the middle, waist deep in a swamp. I predict this is going to be the most devastating hurricane and national tragedy yet, and will take hundreds of billions of dollars to fix, not to mention at least a decade to do it. This will be a time in which great leaders will rise and make their marks on history.

I, on the other hand, am second guessing my scheduled trip to Tampa Bay, FL. scheduled for early October. We will see...


At 1:58 PM, Blogger PoliShifter said...

Wow DCS! Showing a little compassion! I am impressed! I figured you would be all pissed off at all the government "handouts" that are going to be coming and people buying X-Boxes instead of food.

When you say "big problem" what do you mean?

Because this is the greatest thing ever for the oil companies, Halliburton, KBR, BlackWater, and Bechtel. More Corporate Welfare for more Corporate Cronies. More stealing our tax dollars.

This is a total windfall for the Bush Administration. While it sure stinks for Republicans though because people will through you guys out of office in '06. That's my prediction.

The incompetency of this Republican Dominated government is

The level of corruption the Republicans are reaching is probably the worst in our history.

Talk about a LACK of fiscal responsibility...LOL!

Let me ask you this, did Pat Robertson pray for this hurricane? If so, who is he targeting now? Are there abortion clinics in Texas?

Oh, and who cares about the poor people right? I can't wait to see how you guys spin this thing like you did New Orleans..."Oh look we gots rid of more projects and po' people..hurray!"

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Disgruntled Car Salesman said...

Thanks for "gracing" my site with your prescence...

Oh, yeah, "stolen tax dollars" going for cleanup. Have you done any research? What about the stolen federal funds that Bush sent down to fix the levies pre hurricane? What did the predominantly liberal government do with that money? They built a friggin' fountain.

Furthermore, how many firms are qualified to do the cleanup in this country. Three. Three firms. I don't doubt for a second that there is some secret handshaking corporate b.s. occuring, but Clinton had his fair share of it too. Didn't he receive funds for his campaigning efforts from Red China? And didn't Red China receive nuclear arms information? Hmmm....

The incompetency of the Hurricane Katrina relief effort falls mainly on the shoulders of the democrat dominated local and state governments. For you to deny that is delusionnal.

Oh yeah, Pat Robertson. He really speaks for me and my beliefs. Nice try.

It's all a conspiracy driven by oil profits... Wow. You got us. That and we are trying to kill poor people. Bush, Halliburton, Cheney and the rest of your "Dirty Trixters" list created this hurricane and Katrina, after all.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger PoliShifter said...

I can see there is no reaching you. No amount of articles, facts, or documents will convince you otherwise.

Apparently you only believe what Karl Rove tells you to believe. I would post the articles here again and again but I don't see the point, you won't read them.

Hey Democrats are just as corrupt as Republicans. And if the Democrats were in power I would be railing on them.

Its the 21st century. We have no time for crooked politics or politicians. I say we throw them all out if we have to.

The point is that REPUBLICANS conrol EVERYTHING right now and look what they have done!

They have done far worse than Democrats ever dreamed of.

So fine a democrat wants to spend some money or health care or wellfare...Then you Republicans jump up and down screaming

"We need to be fiscally responsible and stop with the government handouts"

So what happens when you guys finally get total power?

You spend like drunken sailors like there is no tommorow. You refuse to investigate corruption. You refuse to do what is right to win the war in Iraq.

All you guys do is play the politics of division. You call everyone who disagrees with you a Liberal as if that is a bad thing.

I got news for you. I am not a liberal but I am sure as hell not a tax & spend Republican either. I am not a corrupt, cronie, corporate wellfare promoting Republican that is for sure. And I am not for big government which it seems all the Republicans in power love big government.

You can have your "Republican" government or what ever you call it. It is destructive and will ruin this country. I wish you who call yourselves "conservatives" would wake up to the fact that Bush is not Republican and he is not conservative.

STOP obeying the party like mindless drones and think outside the box for once in your life.

I will give you this disgruntled, as much as we may dislike each other or argue with one another I do have a certain amount of respect for you in that you don't delete my posts.

I don't delete yours, I let you have your say and you seem to do the same here.

Many so called "republicans" if I post on their site they delete my posts and or ban me from posting if they are using Haloscan or something.

At least it seems you still support free speech so maybe they have not fully corrupted your brain yet.

At 6:56 PM, Blogger Disgruntled Car Salesman said...

Well, of course I don't delet your posts, I encourage them. I have to have someone to argue with, Right?

Yes I am conservative. Yes, I do vote republican. Do I always vote party lines? No. Do I walk around like a mindless drone listening to what Karl Rove says? Absolutely not. Do I think that Bush has done everything right? Absolutely not. Do I think he did a better job than Gore of Kerry would have? Yes. Am I for big government? NO NO NO NO NO.

You will have noticed two weeks ago when they voted on the $52 billion in relief for Katrina, 11 people in the house voted against it. Most of them were republicans. Why did they vote against it? Because they will be there every week, and would rather hand out money incrementally to prevent misappropriations. Sensenbrenner was one of 'em.

Republicans DON'T control everything, and a great example of that is the fillibuster. It hasn't been to easy to get some of Bush's Supreme Court nominees through, now has it?

When dems are in power, they play politics of division as well, and you know it. They refuse to compromise. Clinton practiced that until 1996 when the republicans gained control of congress.

A great example of corruption btw, is the shit reformulated gasoline that went into use here in S.E. Wi. Clintons pals who cooked it up couldn't sell it because it's garbage, so he mandated that it be sold here. Now my car gets worse mileage while Clinton's buddies get rich. Hey, and get this, they got rich off of oil.

You claim not to be a democrat and follow party lines, but you sure like talking about how they will regain power in '06. I saw Viet Vets column on Kerry, so maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We will see...

One more thing, I never said I didn't like you. That's not very nice. I am sure that if I was ever to meet you, we would be able to connect on a level besides politics. There are a lot of people I refuse to talk politics with because we disagree, but am glad to maintain a friendship with otherwise. I can't stand this Bush-rocks guy, complete moron. Like talking to a 12 year child who likes name calling. Check out the boycott post.

N.E. ways, we can always agree to disagree. There is a reason I like to blog. It gives me the chance to argue politics without having things get awkward. Know what I mean?

At 7:30 PM, Blogger PoliShifter said...

"There is a reason I like to blog. It gives me the chance to argue politics without having things get awkward. Know what I mean?"

Yes I know what you mean.

So what do we do in this country to do what is right for the country and the people regardless of political party? Clearly the Democratic and Republican parties are failing us.

What do we do? Third parties never seem to work.

'06 will be interesting. I am of the opinion that out of gut reaction people will vote DNC especailly after Hurricane Katrina.

You've seen my site.. took one look at that bushrock's dude's site. I saw the banner, that was enough for me.

As you are well aware I disagree with the Bush Administration on nearly every issue.

I personally think that anyone who supports the Bush Administration these days is a moron.

I am sorry if that blanket generalization includes you but I just cannot see how ANY Republicans can go on supporting Bush. For what? Why?

The Republican Party could win me back and win my vote if they stood up to the Bush Administration and set a new course based on fiscal responsibility alone. Putting forth a clear plan on Iraq would help psuade me as well.

But it seems nearly all Republican Politicians beat the Karl Rove drum rather than speak their minds.

At 10:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A+ content

At 6:13 AM, Blogger Neo-Con Tastic said...

"No amount of articles, facts, or documents will convince you otherwise."

These kind of comments are what upset me. How can you claim fact with your articles when I can find the exact antithesis? Why is yours right and mine wrong?

"Hey Democrats are just as corrupt as Republicans. And if the Democrats were in power I would be railing on them."

Even Kerry didn't lie that bad.

"The point is that REPUBLICANS conrol EVERYTHING right now and look what they have done!"

Minus your misguided views on Iraq and Katrina, let me see a list.

"You spend like drunken sailors like there is no tommorow."

I agree but by no means can you actually say "You". Just because we are Republicans doesn't make us approve of W's spending habits.

"So fine a democrat wants to spend some money or health care or wellfare..."

Typical liberal talk. I caught it though. Read that sentence again and then define the word "some". I define it as an exorbitant or egregious amount.

"STOP obeying the party like mindless drones and think outside the box for once in your life."

That's just plain mean.

"I am not a corrupt, cronie, corporate wellfare promoting Republican that is for sure. And I am not for big government which it seems all the Republicans in power love big government."

But DCS is? Some of us Republicans still believe in state's rights, low taxes, and federalism. I however, will be the first to admit, I vote party lines (as I am quite positive you do) meaning I'll take a neoconservative, big spender over Ted "Glug Glug" Kennedy. -I retract, but will not erase, the comment about Senator Kennedy.

"All you guys do is play the politics of division."

Is that why W agreed to the Senate Judicial Committee? Is that why W met with "Top" (I wanna puke after saying that) Democrats and asked their opinion on nominees?

"At least it seems you still support free speech so maybe they have not fully corrupted your brain yet."

Stupid talk like that only downplays your intelligence. The more you cry and call names, the more I lose respect in your opinion.

-I could keep going but am preparing for your expected outrage, name-calling, and Bush bashing.

-Polishift, I do respect your opinions. It seems that you are quite intelligent and well-versed in politics. Furthermore, if we ran into each other at a bar (where you'll find me most of the time), I'm sure we'd have a great time.

At 7:22 AM, Blogger PoliShifter said...

NC says:

"How can you claim fact with your articles when I can find the exact antithesis? Why is yours right and mine wrong?"

I am not talking about punditry or poltical hack articels or OpEds. I am talking about FACTS.

FACT: The Bush Administration cut funding to the Army Corp of Engineers, funding earmarked to go to work on the levees in New Orleans.

You can disprove that with facts? Pease, go ahead. And please don't post some Rush Limbaugh or Michelle Malkin diatribe...they rarely deal in facts. Malkin more so than Limbaugh.

NC says:

"Minus your misguided views on Iraq and Katrina, let me see a list."

Homeland Security (or lack thereof)
Left behind child
Cuts in Veterans Benefits
Failure to equip the troops properly
Fly-by-Night "Save Terri" legislation
Sending John Bolton to the UN
"Fatih based Initiatives"
Privatization of major government services and handing them over to corporate cronies at Halliburton, KBR, BlackWater USA, Bechtel etc.

NC says:

"Just because we are Republicans doesn't make us approve of W's spending habits."

Then why are not Republicans standing up to Bush and demanding fiscal responsibility? You few Republicans here may say you do not approve of Bush's spending habits but I have yet to see the Republican Dominated House and Senate challenge Bush, curb his spending, and focus on balancing the budget.

NCC says:

"Typical liberal talk."

Is that supposed to be an insult? Please see the definition of liberal

Clearly SOME Democrats want to spend way too much on social programs while SOME Republicans would rather give that money to Halliburton.


"Some of us Republicans still believe in state's rights, low taxes, and federalism."

Could have fooled me. Ever since the Republicans have taken over they have done everything they can to trample on State's Rigts. Low taxes sure but only for the top 1%

Isn't State's Rights and Federalism a contradiction of terms?

"I however, will be the first to admit, I vote party lines"

That is the problem. You guys enable these Republicans to do what they do by keeping on voting for them no matter what.

"(as I am quite positive you do)"

No, I do not vote party line. I am not registered with any political party.

"meaning I'll take a neoconservative, big spender over Ted "Glug Glug" Kennedy."

I would rather have neither.

NeoCon you put up a good fight. I am curious as to how on God's Green Earth you could actually think NeoConservatism is a doctrine worth following?

Just look at our country. We are falling apart all because of NeoConservatism.

I feel sorry for the Real Republican conservatives out there who have had their party hijacked by NeoCons.

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Disgruntled Car Salesman said...

FACT: The Bush administration has given more money to fix the levees in Nawlins than any other president. The money was squandered by local governments on fountains and other shit...

FACT: There isn't a microchip implanted in my head in which Karl Rove sends directions for me to follow at night. I think for myself.

FACT: You and I both know that Bush has done a much better job of running this ship than Kerry or Gore would have.

FACT: You can hold your own. And good for you. You are a lot better that Bush Rocks.

Theory: I still this the Bush Rocks blog was created by a liberal conspiracy group and sent to me to test the validity of my thoughts and feelings. Nice try.... That guy is nuts either way, and off his rocker...

At 11:29 AM, Blogger Neo-Con Tastic said...

“FACT: The Bush Administration cut funding to the Army Corp of Engineers, funding earmarked to go to work on the levees in New Orleans.”

Even if this is true, here are two points that you cannot deny. 1) Granted, it’s hard for you to comprehend a liberal making a mistake but I recall both Carter and Slick Willy ignoring the levee situation. As a matter of fact, this issue started during the Carter Administration. 2) Even if Bush gave more money and it actually went to the levee system instead of fattening the pockets of the corrupt (and liberal) levee board, the levee wouldn’t have been built in time, ergo Bush cannot be blamed for the Katrina flooding. On a side note, the last sixty odd years of democrats in the local and state governments of Louisiana managed to build a levee system that couldn’t even handle a Category 3 hurricane (they ran out of money because they cooked the books.) Now point a finger.

“And please don't post some Rush Limbaugh or Michelle Malkin diatribe...they rarely deal in facts. Malkin more so than Limbaugh.”

Limbaugh’s intellectual capacity far exceeds any “fact-finding” reporter.

“Homeland Security (or lack thereof)” – Speculative at best.

“Left behind child” – Education efforts put on hold because of disagreements between BOTH parties.

“Cuts in Veterans Benefits” – I missed that one, let me see the government report with numbers preferably.

“Failure to equip the troops properly” – Because you liberals keep cutting our military budget. Furthermore, our army is undoubtedly the most equipped in the world with superior technology to complement. Speculation at best because some reporter felt that the troops weren't protected.

“Fly-by-Night "Save Terri" legislation” – Terri was murdered. God rest her soul. Again, speculation. (Majority means our moral stance wins.)

“Sending John Bolton to the UN” – Can you name a better man for the job? Speculation… (Do you notice a trend in this list.)?

"Faith based Initiatives" – Still upholding the separation between church and state, Bush realizes the majority of America has some type of faith, in turn creating policy for his constituents.

“Privatization of major government services and handing them over to corporate cronies at Halliburton, KBR, BlackWater USA, Bechtel etc.” – 1) Communists don’t believe in privatization (wink, wink). 2) List companies that are better fit for the job. 3) Maybe next time W will hire a Chinese or an Iranian company to do the work. Good idea, let’s keep the money outside the country!!!

“"Typical liberal talk."

Is that supposed to be an insult? Please see the definition of liberal” – Yes. I stand by my remarks.

“Clearly SOME Democrats want to spend way too much on social programs while SOME Republicans would rather give that money to Halliburton.” – You’re funny too. You must be a master with the ladies!

“Isn't State's Rights and Federalism a contradiction of terms?” – Please refer to the founding fathers and the constitution to define federalism. Oh, wait a minute. You guys don’t use that kind of stuff anymore. You just make up new laws supporting your ideology (i.e. the 2005 forfeiture of the 5th amendment).

“That is the problem. You guys enable these Republicans to do what they do by keeping on voting for them no matter what.” – Well, apparently not just “you guys” but the majority of the United States voted to have Republicans and not Democrats in the house, senate, and presidency.

“No, I do not vote party line. I am not registered with any political party.” – Tell me the last time you voted for a Republican. Secondly, a lot of people aren’t registered with a party, which doesn’t mean they don’t have a preference.

“I would rather have neither.” – Beggars can’t be choosers

“NeoCon you put up a good fight. I am curious as to how on God's Green Earth you could actually think NeoConservatism is a doctrine worth following?” - 1) I’m not a neocon. The name Neo-Con Tastic is a mockery of the liberal ideology. Liberals have decided that Republicans are now only neocons and nothing more. Label me if you will. I actually think neoconservatism is a BAD thing.

“Just look at our country. We are falling apart all because of NeoConservatism.” – The world is falling apart? At the edges? Maybe at the polar icecaps? I blame Slick Willy so that makes us even.

At 10:47 PM, Blogger PoliShifter said...

Hey 'tastic,

Since you are not a NeoCon I am not going to call you NeoCon ok? How is 'tastic to you?

Pentagon says veterans’ benefits ‘hurtful’ to national security

The slow rate of VA spending growth enforced by Bush and the congressional Republicans over the last four years won’t cover growing deferred benefits, such as education, housing, retirement, health care and so on, promised to current service members or that are supposed to be available for new enlistees.

In the last two years, Bush ordered the closing of several Veterans Administration hospitals in different parts of the country, pushing waiting lists for medical services for veterans as high as six months for about 230,000 vets.

These closings followed in the wake of the congressional Republicans’ drive in 2003 to cut $15 billion from VA spending over the next 10 years.

"Can you name a better man for the job?" (in ref to UN and Bolton)

ANYONE is better than Bolton. Why not Wesley Clark or Joe Wilson? Heck even Paul Bremmer?

"Because you liberals keep cutting our military budget."

First off I am not a Liberal but at the same time I don't think Liberals are bad. Second, by saying "liberals" I assume you mean Democrats.

You will have to prove to me that Democrats have been cutting military funding because frankly I have never read such a thing. I DID read that Democrats were desperately trying to get Republicans to approve the VA Budget which (no surprise) the Republicans wanted to cut.

"List companies that are better fit for the job"

At this point I will take any business that doesn't mysteriously LOOSE $11 BILLION DOLLARS!

Why not use State and Local Contractors to rebuild? Why not hire some of the 400,000 people that lost their jobs?

I have no problem with companies that do a GOOD job. Halliburton has demonstrated they DO NOT do a good job and on top of that they are MORE wasteful than government.

If Halliburton could do the job better, cheaper, and faster than government I would be all for them. But this is not the case. Corporate Wellfare is costing us more than typical government agencies would cost. So much for "streamlining" and "fiscal responsibliies".

Come on 'Tastic, you cannot deny it. You have to see the level of cronism that is going on.

I can hear you now: "but Bill Clinton hired Cronies and so did Carter". Not to this extent and they may have hired cronies but the hired COMPETENT cronies not former managers of stallion ranches.

Besides just because "Democrats did it before" does not mean it is ok for Republicans to do it. Republicans are supposed to be the party of truth, honesty, integrity, and family values.

That is what you preached at us all during the Monica Lewinsky debacle.

BTW we spent 3 times as much money investigating Bill Clinton as we did investigating 9/11. Go figure...Republicans sure have their priorities straight...NOT!

"Bush realizes the majority of America has some type of faith, in turn creating policy for his constituents."

Uh, the Scientologists are Bush's constituents now??

"Education efforts put on hold..."

Yes put on hold to fund Halliburton, I mean the Iraq War to the tune of $300 BILLION. For what?

"Limbaugh’s intellectual capacity far exceeds any “fact-finding” reporter."

Now this cracks me up! If that is not a conservative talking I don't know what is. You value "intellectual Capacity" rather than truth. So because Limbaugh is well versed in Logic and argumentation, and he can convince you it's raining while peeing on your leg that this reflects his "intellectual capacity"?

I would take the truth poorly spoken over a slick lie any day of the week.

" but the majority of the United States voted to have Republicans and not Democrats in the house, senate, and presidency."

Yeah, the majority who did not experience Voter Disenfranchisement.

I will concede this point though to you. Ok fine, 50.0000000824% of the people voted for Republicans or whatever fine...Don't worry, they won't make the same mistake again.

How are those Debold machines going? The only way you Republicans are going to be able to win any election ever again is by fraud...Oh wait, that is how you have been winning elections since 2000...never mind.

"Terri was murdered" That is your opinion only not based on any fact what so ever but just pure speculation (see a pattern here?)

The Terri case winded its way through the courts for something like 12 frickin years. If you Republicans "cared" so much about Terri you should have interevened 12 years ago instead of letting it get as far as you did.

And don't throw the only "Liberal Activist Judges" at me...Plenty of Conservative judges ruled on Terri Shiavo as well.

Terri Shiavo is a tricky subject for everyone. But I will say this:

How ironic the President will cut his vacation short, jump in his helicopter, and sign that fly-by-night Terri legislation for ONE PERSON. And yet, when Hurricane Katrina hit what did Bush do? Played some golf, did a little fund raising STAYED ON VACATION FOR ANOTHER WEEK...Where was that helicopter??

"Yes. I stand by my remarks" ('Tastic in regards to Liberals)

That just shows me how ignorant you are. You are not open to new ideas and challenging the establishment. You are rank and file lock-step "ditto head" parroting whatever talking points are handed out to you.

"Liberals have decided that Republicans are now only neocons"

I am not liberal and I have not only decided but I can PROVE that many, many people in the Bush Administration are NeoCons (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby etc).

Now, perhaps most Republicans are not NeoCons but they still take their marching orders from President Bush and President Bush has a NeoCon Agenda.

If Republicans don't want to be "labled" as NeoCons then stand up to the Bush Administration for once instead of bending over and reaching for the jar of vasoline.

Speaking of beding over...What's that Jeff Gannon the male prostitute turned White House correspondent? Coming and going at all hours of the night? What was that all about?

What's with Arthur Finkelstein, a top RNC political strategist, marrying his gay lover in Boston?

Talk about hypocrisy.

“Just look at our country. We are falling apart all because of NeoConservatism.”

Yep, I stand by that. Look at the Gulf.

We have spent our great-great-great grandchildrens money to fight the War on Iraq (A NeoCon Agenda Item) and for what? Tell me what? Why? What benefit?

ALL BOROWED MONEY! Meanwhile Bush wants to keep cutting taxes for the wealthy.

Bush has systematically dismantled as much of government as he possibly can and we are just begining to see the effects of it. (another NeoCon principle is to privatize as much as possible).

We are near another arms race with Iran and North Korea (another NeoCon ideal is to spend mass dollars on military while cutting as much social programs as possible.)

We created this monstrosity of Homeland Security and it has actually made us more vulnerable.

So yes, things are dire. And if we do not do something about it now then this country just might disolve into utter chaos 10 or 15 years from now. Especially if we do not plan for the day when the oil runs out.


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