Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

A quick note from the management here at DCS before I review some holiday reflections... To all readers: Thank you for your readership and patronage. Knowing that in the blogoshpere I have people who read my blog and give a hoot about what I have to say, I am thankful.

Okay, with that out of the way. After having read a post on Vaspers the Grate I remembered something. Vaspers eluded to Thanksgiving being a holy day, and it most certainly is. If we all remember correctly, our fore fathers set this holiday as a time to reflect and thank God (yes, I said God, and as you can plainly see God does have a capital "G" on the front of it). It was a time for us to be thankful to God (there it is again) for what He has given us. Truly I am thankful for where I am in my life. A more detailed list to follow:

1. For my mother and father who talk me everything I know about life.
2. For my natural talents and abilities which have afforded me the opportunities that I have been so fortunate to take advantage of.
3. For this blog, an avenue for all that is good, right, and conservative.
4. For the Miller brand of beers, Jameson Irish Whiskey, Captain Morgan's brand of spiced rum and Sapphire Gin.
5. For the thriving (although not at the moment) automotive industry.
6. For tomahawk cruise missiles.
7. For Smith & Wesson .357 magnum revolvers.
8. For my siblings who give me pleasant headaches.
9. For combustion engines, particularly the 350+ cubic inch varieties.
10. And, last but not least, women.

This list was compiled in a rather quick manner, and there are more things and people that I am certainly thankful for. If you have been missed, my deepest regrets go out to you.

A Happy Thanksgiving to all, and may you come shop frivolously at my dealership over the holiday season!


At 5:44 AM, Blogger Dad29 said...

Not to forget the priesthood!

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Disgruntled Car Salesman said...

Yeah, right! The day I become a priest will be a cold day in hell indeed. Nice try. Start working on your grandson now. Maybe, just maybe he will be a priest.


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