Blog Tax
Madison, WI.(AP) - Gov. Jim Doyle(D-Taxman) has proposed his latest tax increase/ban. In light of the effectiveness of proposed tax increases and public banning of cigarettes, Doyle has announced at least one of his several new ideas to curb dangerous and hazardous behavious.
As we all know, smoking is evil. Blogging, in some of it's purist forms, is equally as evil. Blogging is just as addictive and toxic to it's authors and readers as cigarettes to smokers and non smokers. Because of these detrimental health hazards, amongst other problems, a proposed tax on blogging as well as a proposed public blogging ban has been introduced in hopes of curbing it. A debate, curiously enough, spurred between experts in the blogosphere immediately following the proposal.
As developments occur, DCS will keep you updated. That is, of course, the ban/tax doesn't go into effect before I can.
On a side note, insiders have tipped us off to other bans/taxes that Doyle has in the works. Of a list of many, the following stood out:
Big Macs
Trans Fats
Refined Sugar
Free Thinking
Ping Pong
Playstation 3
We will also keep you updated on developments in these areas.