Random Rantings Collected from the Last Couple Days
How many times do we have to go over this??? No, I am NOT a neocon. YES, I am a free thinker. It seems as if to me that it is just a matter of time before we get someone in office that you like that we will hear plenty of political rhetoric spewing onto the pages of your blog, defending what you think is "right." Pick your candidate, ride your pony to the end. You know this crap is right around the corner. In the mean time, Iraq will be cleaned up, there will be peace for a short amount of time, the government will grow bigger, and we will continue to spin into a strange world where will we eventually lose our rights.
The question is not of what I say now, not of what I defend, not of what I believe, not of what you will call me, but of what will come down the pipe. Who or what is next? What will you be? What will you defend? Whom will you defend? When will we get our country back? HMMMM?
I see a lot of bullshit happening al around me. It cost the state of Wisconsin $46 million to insure 22,199 people. This is in supplement to the health care already being provided by their employers. Sad isn't it. I hate it. Why do we live in this welfare state? What are we going to do about the astronomical rise of health care prices? I suppose that is all the fault of current legislation right now too. It sucks for me and anyone. We who work to provide for ourselves have to pay health insurance twice. For myself, and some schlub who doesn't wanna work and would rather suckle the tit of the gov't.
What about the astronomical cost of oil? Is the government going to supplement poor people who want to drive too? Are my tax dollars going to fill their tanks? HMMM? Let's just bitch about it and not find a solution. Let's let the environmentalists lobby to prevent an oil company or two from building a couple new refineries. Save the whales they say. Well, I'm not buying it. Prices here are too high, but instead of trying to find a solution, they blame it on big oil and all the republican politicians who are supposedly in the pocket of the oil companies. BUILD A FU&%ING REFINERY! There is your solution. Tap the oil now as to prevent the increase in the future. There are your solutions.
What about manufacturing? HMM? Well, what of it? It's gone. Gone. Why? Slave labors government and communist socialist states sucking up all the contracts. There you have it. So, what will you do? HMM? What are you going to do about it? You could support legislation that enacts FAIR trade. Trade sanctions taking into account the cost of manufacturing here vs. RedChina/Brazil/RedKorea/Mexico. We are losing out here. So what? I saved $0.59 on a pair of jeans to cut out some guys job in the states. What do you think I would do. Well, am I an economist? Am I a globalist? No, I am a gun totin' red blooded patriotic AMERICAN! Fuck them all. I don't give two shits about someone in another country. I don't care what they want, what they think, what they do. It doesn't affect me, it only affects those around me. They are overseas, not around me. I would rather put my neighbor to work than some two bit twit overseas. FAIR Trade legislation would make this possible. If it costs me this much for an American product, and this much for a Chinese product, which do I buy. Where is the quality? Answer that for yourself. I can't do it for you.
Here it comes! It's inevitable. I know what you are thinking. I know what you are dying to say. Well, too bad. The products I sell that are imported have a tariff already on them, and they come from democratic, well developed countries. They are competitive in price, and aren't driving the market into a frenzy. The Domestics are shooting themselves in the foot right now, so don't try to go there.
Just random ramblings, all floating around, out on black and white now. There. Chew on that you nay sayers.